Census of agriculture, 1999

3   Holdings which rent land, and size of rented area. Municipalities in county of Finnmark. 1989 and 1989
  Holdings wich rents land Rented area, decares Payment for rented area
     Total Rented area without any written contract Rented area with a written contract of 1-4 years Rented area with a written contract of 5 or more years Area wich rent is paid for Total NOK per decare
1989 463 28 510 17 819 1.. 110 692 9 723 305 536 31
1999 446 41 322 26 007 4 467 10 848 17 053 1 169 207 69
2002 Vardø 3 322 : - : : : :
2003 Vadsø 25 3 451 1 315 277 1 859 734 38 425 52
2004 Hammerfest 9 342 : - : : : :
2011 Guovdageaidnu - Kautokeino 12 768 422 - 346 414 14 604 35
2012 Alta 133 13 710 9 486 997 3 227 6 464 515 576 80
2014 Loppa 5 289 161 : : 84 5 360 64
2015 Hasvik 4 86 86 - - : : :
2017 Kvalsund 17 998 665 : : 257 21 300 83
2018 Måsøy : : : : : : : :
2019 Nordkapp - - - - - - - -
2020 Porsanger 43 3 125 2 317 316 492 1 081 48 510 45
2021 Kárájohka - Karasjok 39 3 423 1 739 272 1 412 2 309 82 050 36
2022 Lebesby 9 669 509 - 160 281 8 400 30
2023 Gamvik 8 160 : - : 38 2 700 71
2024 Berlevåg : : : : : : : :
2025 Deatnu - Tana 98 9 380 6 558 1 402 1 420 3 405 347 452 102
2027 Unjárga - Nesseby 8 1 356 809 : : 628 19 500 31
2028 Båtsfjord : : : : : : : :
2030 Sør-Varanger 31 3 055 1 269 952 834 1 064 47 800 45
1  In 1989 there were no questions about the contracts length.

Explanation of symbols