Census of agriculture, 1999

14   Number of holdings with four-wheeled tractor and number of four-wheeled tractors by model year. Municipalities in county of Finnmark. 1989 and 1999
  Number of holdings with four-wheeled tractor Number of four-wheeled tractors1 Number of four-wheeled tractors by model year1
  Total With two wheel drive With four wheel drive -1970 1970-1979 1980-1989 1990 or newer
1989 758 1 199 807 392 303 423 473 .
1999 591 1 045 459 587 108 275 415 247
2002 Vardø 5 10 5 5 - 4 : :
2003 Vadsø 27 47 19 28 6 7 21 13
2004 Hammerfest 9 18 10 8 4 7 3 4
2011 Guovdageaidnu - Kautokeino 22 52 22 30 4 19 22 7
2012 Alta 164 297 114 182 29 57 133 77
2014 Loppa 4 8 4 4 3 : : :
2015 Hasvik : : - : - - : -
2017 Kvalsund 16 24 11 13 3 8 8 5
2018 Måsøy : : : : : : : :
2019 Nordkapp - - - - - - - -
2020 Porsanger 61 97 48 49 17 23 41 16
2021 Kárájohka - Karasjok 62 103 43 60 9 25 43 26
2022 Lebesby 10 21 7 14 : : 6 8
2023 Gamvik 5 6 : : - 4 : -
2024 Berlevåg : : : : : : : :
2025 Deatnu - Tana 141 250 117 133 17 87 85 61
2027 Unjárga - Nesseby 11 19 7 12 : 6 8 4
2028 Båtsfjord : : : : : : : :
2030 Sør-Varanger 49 90 47 43 13 23 33 22
1  Not every tractor is specified with model year and two- or four wheel drive.

Explanation of symbols