Church account statistics

1   Annual accounts for joint parish councils. Million kroner
Item 2000 2001
01-09 Wages including social security 1 146 1 248
10-14 Equipment, machinery, motor vehicles 70 68
15-19 Maintaining expenditures, buildings and constructions  112  120
20-29 Other operating expenditures  414  460
30-36 Tranfers expenditures 75 70
38 Interests 7 8
39 Transferred internal expenditures, cf. art 79 85 89
01-39 Total 1 909 2 064
40-48 Investments in real estate  181  151
49 Transfered internal expenditures, cf. art 89 19 28
51 Repayments of loans 8 9
52 Lending and other long-term investments 1 1
A.01-52 Total application of funds 2 118 2 254
Source of funds:    
60-67 Revenues from sales and hiring  113  116
68 Sales of equipments, machinery, motor veciles 1 1
69 Internal allocated expenditures 1 1
70 Refunded wages of National Health Insurance 52 57
71 Governmental transfers  152  181
72-77 Other transfers,revenues 1 519 1 590
78 Interests 32 32
79 Transferred internal revenues, cf. art 39 85 89
60-79 Total 1 954 2 067
80-88 Revenues from investments in real estates  182  118
89 Transferred internal revenues 19 28
91 Applied loans 35 32
92 Received repayments and realization of long-term investment 0 0
B.60-92 Total source of funds 2 190 2 246
C. Total source of funds -Total application of funds (B - A) 72 -8

Explanation of symbols