Statistics Norway

Church account statistics

1   Financial statement
Income Statement NOK millions Per cent change
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006
Operating income                  
Revenue from user-payment, fees and rent      162  179  190        
Revenue from tangible fixed assets     0 1 1        
Transfer and subventions      432  412  430        
Calculated revenue from services rendered by muncipalities     83 88 82        
Transfer from central government      151  162  176        
Transfer from municipalities     1 594 1 697 1 787        
Transfer from joint parish councils/parish     24 21 8        
Other transfers and contributions     45 48 50        
Total operating income 2 211 2 357 2 491 2 608 2 724 6.6 5.7 4.7 4.4
Operating expenses                  
Payroll expense     1 503 1 549 1 664        
Goods and services      614  646  687        
Refunds/transfer/VAT      131  135  160        
Calculated expenses from services rendered by muncipalities     83 88 82        
Tansfers and contribution to others     57 64 68        
Total operating expenses 2 190 2 294 2 388 2 482 2 661 4.7 4.1 3.9 7.2
Gross operating profit 21 63  103  126 63 2.0 63.5 22.3 -50.0
Gross operating profit as per cent total operating income 0.9 2.7 4.1 4.8 2.3        
Net resultat of financial income and expense     9 15 10        
Net operating profit     94  111 53        
Net result of deposits / use of funds     79 80 40        
Resultat     15 31 13        
Investment Statement                  
Total investments  284  202  374  335  380        
Funding of the investments                  
Transfer, contribution, funds  220  186  345  264  336        
New loans 64 16 29 71 44        
Total funding of the investments  284  202  374  335  380        

Explanation of symbols