Statistics Norway

Cost index for domestic sea transport

1 Costindices domestic sea transport, 3rd quarter 2010. 2nd quarter 2009=100
Index Index 3rd quarter 2010 Percentage change
2nd quarter 2010-3rd quarter 2010 2nd quarter 2009-3rd quarter 2010
Total cost index for domestic sea transport  105.5 1.44 5.82
Sub index, vessel      
Other cargo ship  105.9 1.34 6.22
Cruiseship  104.6 0.97 4.91
Ferries  105.7 1.73 6.02
Small passenger boats  105.6 1.54 5.92
Large passenger boats  106.0 1.73 6.11
Tugs  105.0 1.94 5.42
Sub index, cost      
Administrative  104.7 1.75 5.23
Fuel  120.0 -0.50 17.07
Financing  108.1 5.57 21.60
Depreciation  100.2 0.80 -0.50
Crew  102.6 2.91 3.01
Other  101.9 -0.68 1.90
Repair and maintenance  103.3 0.68 3.30

Explanation of symbols