Statistics Norway

Local government accounts, municipalities

2 Main figures for operating - and capital accounts and financing. Consolidated municipal accounts. 2005-2008. NOK million
  Consolidated municipal accounts1 percent change
  2005 2006 2007 2008 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008
Operating account              
Gross operating revenue  214 229  235 005  247 778  268 222 9.5 5.4 8.3
Gross operating expenditure  210 420  225 077  243 006  266 822 6.5 8.0 9.8
Gross operating surplus 3 803 9 929 4 772 1 400  174.7 -51.9 -70.7
Net instalments 6 293 6 941 7 431 7 829 10.0 7.1 5.4
Net interests -1 398 -1 600  812 3 885 16.4 -150.7  378.4
Lending ..  137  151  159 .. 10.3 5.4
Depreciation 9 582 10 233 10 810 11 555 6.7 5.6 6.9
Net operating surplus 8 497 14 700 7 182 1 077 79.6 -51.1 -85.0
Capital account              
Gross investment expenditure 26 802 29 880 35 164 39 334 11.4 17.7 11.9
Contribution, reimbursement and property sale revenue 7 166 9 244 10 995 6 954 29.0 18.9 -36.8
Surplus before loan and allocations -4 615 1 373 -9 256 -23 135 -40.9 -774.2  149.9
Applied loans 18 506 17 141 19 138 23 112 -7.5 11.7 20.8
Application of/allocation to funds -7 366 -10 557 -2 220 8 145 59.5 -79.0 -466.8
1  Consolidated municipal accounts consists of municipal accounts and units with seperate accounts and municipal inter-autority companies. The figures contains all municipal accounts, 303 municipal companies in 2005, 305 municipal companies in 2006, 334 municipal companies in 2007 and 346 municipal companies in 2008.

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