Statistics Norway

4 National key figures. Municipalities. Audited figures for 2005, 2006, 2007 and 20081 (Corrected at 3 July 2009 at 9:30 a.m.)
  2005 2006 2007 2008
4. Key figures divided by expence area        
1. Gross operating expenditure divided by expence area        
Gross operating expenditure, administration, management and joint expenditure, as a percentage of gross operating expenditure2 8.0 7.0 6.8 6.2
Gross operating expenditure, kindergarten, as a percentage of gross operating expenditure2 8.7 9.7 10.5 11.3
Gross operating expenditure, primary and lower secondary education, as a percentage of gross operating expenditure2 24.1 23.7 22.7 22.2
Gross operating expenditure, in municipal health service, as a percentage of gross operating expenditure2 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9
Gross operating expenditure, social care, as a percentage of gross operating expenditure2 26.4 27.0 27.2 27.9
Gross operating expenditure, social services, as a percentage of gross operating expenditure2 4.3 4.1 3.8 3.8
Gross operating expenditure, child care, as a percentage of gross operating expenditure2 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3
Gross operating expenditure, water, wastewater and waste management, as a percentage of gross operating expenditure2 4.9 4.8 4.5 4.4
Gross operating expenditure, culture, as a percentage of gross operating expenditure2 3.0 3.1 3.8 3.7
Gross operating expenditure, administration, management and joint expenditure6 16 120 15 221 16 275 16 550
Gross operating expenditure, kindergarten6 18 327 21 700 25 016 29 562
Gross operating expenditure, primary and lower secondary education6 48 223 50 889 52 650 56 458
Gross operating expenditure, municipal health service6 7 910 8 373 8 968 9 838
Gross operating expenditure, social care6 53 165 58 383 62 957 70 587
Gross operating expenditure, social services6 9 769 10 031 10 071 10 801
Gross operating expenditure, child care6 4 794 5 180 5 538 6 083
Gross operating expenditure, water, wastewater and waste management6 9 710 10 177 10 293 11 023
Gross operating expenditure, culture6 6 266 6 880 8 833 9 518
2. Priorities        
Net operating expenditure per inhabitant, administration, management and joint expenditure, NOK 2 918 2 760 2 951 2 934
Net operating expenditure per inhabitant 1-5 years in kindergarten, NOK 11 533 11 665 13 741 17 474
Net operating expenditure per inhabitant 6-15 years in primary and lower secondary education, NOK 67 739 71 912 75 737 81 295
Net operating expenditure per capita in municipal health service, NOK 1 252 1 301 1 384 1 510
Net operating expenditure per capita in social care, NOK 9 681 10 508 11 238 12 133
Net operating expenditure per inhabitant 20-66 years in social services, NOK 2 960 2 996 2 927 3 006
Net operating expenditure per inhabitant 0-17 years, child welfare, NOK 4 106 4 392 4 643 5 018
Net operating expenditure, administration, management and joint expenditure, as a percentage of total net operating expenditure2 10.1 9.0 8.9 8.2
Net operating expenditure, kindergarten, as a percentage of total net expenditure2 2.2 2.1 2.4 2.9
Net operating expenditure, primary and lower secondary education, as a percentage of total net expenditure2 31.9 31.7 30.9 30.5
Net operating expenditure, health services, as a percentage of total net expenditure2 4.4 4.4 4.3 4.4
Net operating expenditure, social care, as a percentage of total net expenditure2 33.9 34.9 35.2 35.6
Net operating expenditure, social services, as a percentage of total net expenditure2 5.6 5.4 5.0 4.8
Net operating expenditure, child welfare, as a percentage of total net expenditure2 3.2 3.2 3.3 3.2
Net operating expenditure, water, wastewater and waste management, as a percentage of total net expenditure2 -0.9 -0.6 -0.8 -0.6
Net operating expenditure, culture, as a percentage of total net expenditure2 3.6 3.7 4.5 4.5
Net operating expenditure, administration, management and joint expenditure6 13 504 12 918 13 980 14 080
Net operating expenditure, kindergarten6 3 346 3 375 4 020 5 186
Net operating expenditure, primary and lower secondary education6 42 061 44 708 46 924 50 214
Net operating expenditure, health services6 5 859 6 162 6 556 7 249
Net operating expenditure, social care6 44 799 49 181 53 237 58 229
Net operating expenditure, social services6 8 349 8 557 8 489 8 870
Net operating expenditure, child welfare6 4 475 4 813 5 104 5 538
Net operating expenditure, water, wastewater and waste management6 -1 107 -865 -1 237 -1 185
Net operating expenditure, culture6 4 955 5 463 6 959 7 524
3. Coverage        
Percentage of 1-5 year olds in kindergarten3 76.0 80.3 84.3 87.1
Percentage of pupils in primary and lower secondary education with special educational needs3 5.7 5.9 6.3 7.0
Percentage of pupils in primary and secondary education with additional Norwegian teaching3 6.1 6.4 6.5 6.7
Physician man-years per 10 000 inhabitants, health services8 9.1 9.1 9.3 9.5
Physiotherapist man-years per 10 000 inhabitants, health services8 8.9 9.0 9.0 9.1
Percentage of users of home-based services 67 years and above10 69.5 68.0 .. ..
Percentage of users of home-based services 67-79 years10 .. .. 18.5 17.7
Percentage of users of home-based services 80 years and above10 .. .. 43.9 42.8
Percentage of single rooms, institutions for the aged and disabled7 89.7 91.1 92.0 93.5
Percentage of social assistance recipients 20-66 years 4.5 4.2 3.8 3.7
Percentage of 0-17 year olds under protection by the child welfare service 3.6 3.8 3.9 4.1
Kilometres of local roads per 1000 inhabitants4 8.3 8.2 8.1 8.0
Number of municipal dwellings per 1 000 inhabitants11 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0
1-5 year olds in kindergarten3  221 011  232 419  246 575  258 584
Pupils in primary and secondary education3  619 640  619 038  616 388  614 033
Pupils in primary and lower secondary education with special educational needs3 34 499 35 565 37 772 41 759
Pupils in primary and secondary education with additional Norwegian teaching3 36 594 38 813 38 982 40 075
Physician man-years, health services8 4 219 4 281 4 396 4 533
Physiotherapist man-years, health services8 4 148 4 205 4 255 4 334
Users of home-based services10  163 415  164 645 .. ..
Users of home-based services 67 years and above10  116 089  114 473 .. ..
Places in institutions for the aged and disabled 41 027 41 078 41 257 41 542
Users of home-based services10 .. ..  172 541  178 810
Users of home-based services 67-79 years10 .. .. 31 885 31 645
Users of home-based services 80 years and above10 .. .. 75 826 76 468
Single rooms, institutions for the aged and disabled7 36 917 37 477 38 000 38 954
Social assistance recipients 20-66 years  127 580  121 181  108 781  108 412
Children under protection by the child welfare service 39 850 41 152 43 257 44 799
Kilometres of local roads4 38 543 38 525 38 544 38 511
Number of municipal dwellings11 25 573 26 395 27 286 27 508
4. Productivity        
Adjusted gross operating expenditure per child in municipal kindergarten in NOK 98 657  105 345  112 635  127 108
Adjusted gross operating expenditure per pupil in primary and lower secondary education, NOK3, 9 65 021 68 743 72 933 78 274
Pupils in primary and lower secondary education per teacher man-year3 12.3 12.1 12.2 12.1
Adjusted gross operating expenditure per user of home-based services, NOK10  133 647  142 076 .. ..
Adjusted gross operating expenditure per user of home-based services, NOK10 .. ..  156 787  171 436
Adjusted gross operating expenditure per municipal institution for the aged and disabled, NOK  620 241  666 456  698 989  776 178
Water fees, 120 m2 standard private dwelling5 2 125 2 207 2 352 2 552
Wastewater treatment fees, 120 m2 standard private dwelling5 2 489 2 560 2 721 2 920
Waste treatment fees, 120 m2 standard private dwelling5 1 881 1 942 2 033 2 150
Average case processing time, private building applications5 31 32 35 34
Average case processing time, adapted private regulation plans5  213  208  235  226
Average case processing time, subdivision of land5 82 94 90 88
Adjusted gross operating expenditure per kilometre of local road in NOK4 78 401 88 250 94 916  101 564
5. Application of the law        
Percentage of approved applications for motor traffic in uncultivated areas. 84 92 92 93
1  We have estimated figures for municipalitis that have not reported their 2008 figures.
2  Figures are for all municipalities except Oslo.
3  The indicator is calculated on informations from all municipalitites.
4  The indicator is calculated based on information from National Road Databank.
5  The numbers are based on average (arithmetic) fees and average case processing time from the municipalities which has reported their figures. The figures for average fees are for the reporting year +1.
6  Figures in NOK million.
7  Including admission to stat owned rooms.
8  Including F120 Administration.
9  Pupil figures is not consideration.
10  Gap in the time series is caused by the application of the new data source in 2007. New contents from 2007.
11  In 2008, the values for the following municipalities have been estimated: 0428 Trysil, 0617 Gol, 0826 Tinn, 0828 Seljord, 0938 Bygland, 1227 Jondal, 1238 Kvam, 1418 Balestrand, 1419 Leikanger, 1438 Bremanger, 1503 Kristiansund, 1711 Meråker, 1719 Levanger, 1742 Grong, 1848 Steigen, 1849 Hamarøy, 1851 Lødingen, 1856 Røst, 1874 Moskenes og 2023 Gamvik.

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