Statistics Norway

Local government accounts, municipalities

2 Main figures for operating - and capital accounts and financing. Consolidated municipal accounts. 2007-2010. NOK million
Sum for all consolidated municipal accounts - inclusive Oslo Consolidated municipal accounts1 percent change
2008 2009 2010 2011 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011
Operating account              
Gross operating revenue  268 470  294 291  307 730  327 682 9.6 4.6 6.5
Gross operating expenditure  267 074  289 891  303 712  321 427 8.5 4.8 5.8
Gross operating surplus 1 395 4 400 4 019 6 255 .. .. ..
Net instalments 7 839 8 579 9 463 10 252 9.4 10.3 8.3
Net finance 3 891 -1 440  131 2 329 .. .. ..
Lending  157  183  174  160 16.3 -5.1 -7.9
Depreciation 11 570 12 484 13 619 14 531 7.9 9.1 6.7
Net operating surplus 1 078 9 553 7 867 8 034 .. .. ..
Capital account              
Gross investment expenditure 39 407 43 748 43 350 42 837 11.0 -0.9 -1.2
Contribution, reimbursement and property sale revenue 6 989 8 211 7 477 10 816 17.5 -8.9 44.6
Surplus before loan and allocations -23 342 -17 219 -18 367 -13 569 .. .. ..
Applied loans 23 142 28 191 31 104 26 076 21.8 10.3 -16.2
Application of/allocation to funds 8 180 -2 118 -2 906 -1 961 .. .. ..
1  Consolidated municipal accounts consists of municipal accounts and units with seperate accounts and municipal inter-autority companies. .

Explanation of symbols