Statistics Norway

Local government accounts, municipalities

4 National key figures. Municipalities. Audited figures for 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 (Corrected 18 June 201214)
  2008 2009 2010 20111
4. Key figures divided by expence area        
1. Gross operating expenditure divided by expence area        
Gross operating expenditure, administration og management, as a percentage of gross operating expenditure 2 7.0 6.9 6.8 6.7
Gross operating expenditure, kindergarten, as a percentage of gross operating expenditure 2 11.3 11.5 11.9 12.1
Gross operating expenditure, primary and lower secondary education, as a percentage of gross operating expenditure 2 22.2 21.8 21.8 21.3
Gross operating expenditure, in municipal health service, as a percentage of gross operating expenditure 2 3.9 3.8 3.9 3.9
Gross operating expenditure, social care, as a percentage of gross operating expenditure 2 27.9 27.2 27.3 27.1
Gross operating expenditure, social services, as a percentage of gross operating expenditure 2 3.8 4.0 4.2 4.2
Gross operating expenditure, child care, as a percentage of gross operating expenditure 2 2.4 2.4 2.6 2.8
Gross operating expenditure, water, wastewater and waste management, as a percentage of gross operating expenditure 2 4.4 4.3 4.3 4.3
Gross operating expenditure, culture, as a percentage of gross operating expenditure 2 3.7 3.6 3.6 3.6
Gross operating expenditure, administration and management 6 18 075 19 304 19 893 21 427
Gross operating expenditure, kindergarten 6 29 422 32 872 35 673 38 551
Gross operating expenditure, primary and lower secondary education 6 56 462 60 034 63 569 65 646
Gross operating expenditure, municipal health service 6 9 844 10 523 11 209 12 148
Gross operating expenditure, social care 6 ] 70 619 74 795 78 694 83 363
Gross operating expenditure, social services 6 10 801 12 573 13 773 14 478
Gross operating expenditure, child care 6 6 083 6 765 7 698 8 780
Gross operating expenditure, water, wastewater and waste management 6 11 024 11 698 12 583 13 227
Gross operating expenditure, culture 6 9 521 10 221 10 858 11 437
2. Priorities        
Net operating expenditure per inhabitant, administration and management, NOK 3 431 3 593 3 658 3 943
Net operating expenditure per inhabitant 1-5 years in kindergarten, NOK 16 997 17 552 19 076  108 543
Net operating expenditure per inhabitant 6-15 years in primary and lower secondary education, NOK 80 308 84 613 90 216 93 318
Net operating expenditure per capita in municipal health service, NOK 1 511 1 711 1 808 1 939
Net operating expenditure per capita in social care, NOK 12 136 12 954 13 494 14 030
Net operating expenditure per inhabitant 20-66 years in social services, NOK 2 492 2 702 2 822 2 906
Net operating expenditure per inhabitant 0-17 years, child welfare, NOK 5 018 5 525 5 983 6 323
Net operating expenditure, administration and management, as a percentage of total net operating expenditure 2 10.0 9.7 9.5 8.4
Net operating expenditure, kindergarten, as a percentage of total net expenditure 2 2.8 2.7 2.7 14.5
Net operating expenditure, primary and lower secondary education, as a percentage of total net expenditure 2 30.6 29.8 30.0 25.9
Net operating expenditure, health services, as a percentage of total net expenditure 2 4.4 4.7 4.8 4.3
Net operating expenditure, social care, as a percentage of total net expenditure 2 35.7 35.7 35.7 31.1
Net operating expenditure, social services, as a percentage of total net expenditure 2 4.8 5.1 5.2 5.0
Net operating expenditure, child welfare, as a percentage of total net expenditure 2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.1
Net operating expenditure, water, wastewater and waste management, as a percentage of total net expenditure 2 -0.6 -0.7 -0.7 -0.7
Net operating expenditure, culture, as a percentage of total net expenditure 2 4.5 4.3 4.4 3.8
Net operating expenditure, administration, management 6 16 466 17 454 17 998 19 660
Net operating expenditure, kindergarten 6 5 044 5 292 5 855 33 862
Net operating expenditure, primary and lower secondary education 6 50 218 52 915 56 559 58 392
Net operating expenditure, health services 6 7 254 8 310 8 897 9 669
Net operating expenditure, social care 6 58 243 62 933 66 393 69 953
Net operating expenditure, social services 6 8 871 10 102 11 042 12 519
Net operating expenditure, child welfare 6 5 537 6 128 6 667 7 070
Net operating expenditure, water, wastewater and waste management 6 -1 183 -1 366 -1 259 -1 568
Net operating expenditure, culture 6 7 254 8 310 8 897 9 669
3. Coverage        
Percentage of 1-5 year olds in kindergarten 3 87.1 88.5 89.3 89.6
Percentage of pupils in primary and lower secondary education with special educational needs 3, 9 7.2 7.8 8.2 8.6
Percentage of pupils in primary and secondary education with additional Norwegian teaching 3, 9 6.7 6.8 7.3 7.4
Physician man-years per 10 000 inhabitants, health services 8 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7
Physiotherapist man-years per 10 000 inhabitants, health services 8, 11, 13 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.6
Percentage of users of home-based services 67-79 years 10 17.7 18.0 17.7 17.5
Percentage of users of home-based services 80 years and above 10 42.7 40.9 40.6 40.2
Percentage of single rooms, institutions for the aged and disabled 7 93.6 93.8 93.4 94.1
Percentage of social assistance recipients 20-66 years 3.7 3.9 3.9 3.8
Percentage of 0-22 year olds under protection by the child welfare service 4.1 4.2 4.5 4.7
Kilometres of local roads per 1000 inhabitants 4 8.0 7.9 7.9 7.8
Number of municipal dwellings per 1 000 inhabitants 20 21 21 20
1-5 year olds in kindergarten 3  258 584  266 818  273 941  279 581
Pupils in primary and secondary education 3, 9  614 033  613 928  614 020  614 374
Pupils in primary and lower secondary education with special educational needs 3, 9 43 083 46 845 50 247 52 687
Pupils in primary and secondary education with additional Norwegian teaching 3 40 075 40 881 43 880 43 968
Physician man-years, health services 8 4 533 4 637 4 748 ..
Physiotherapist man-years, health services 8, 11, 13 4 157 4 220 4 279 ..
Users of home-based services 10  178 820  186 338  186 506 ..
Users of home-based services 67-79 years 10 31 925 33 544 33 060 ..
Users of home-based services 80 years and above 10 76 887 76 141 75 811 ..
Places in institutions for the aged and disabled 7 41 334 41 071 41 307 ..
Single rooms, institutions for the aged and disabled 7 38 755 38 581 38 648 ..
Social assistance recipients 20-66 years14  108 808  116 703  118 732  117 294
Children under protection by the child welfare service 12 44 795 47 108 50 475 52 789
Kilometres of local roads 4 38 511 38 583 38 732 38 893
Number of municipal dwellings14 96 769  100 333  100 918  101 670
4. Productivity        
Adjusted gross operating expenditure per child in municipal kindergarten in NOK  126 093  133 541  142 020  149 745
Adjusted gross operating expenditure per pupil in primary and lower secondary education, NOK 78 097 83 441 88 048 90 560
Pupils in primary and lower secondary education per teacher man-year 3 12.1 12.2 .. ..
Adjusted gross operating expenditure per user of home-based services, NOK 10  171 955  174 839  184 776  196 275
Adjusted gross operating expenditure per bed in municipal institutions for the aged and disabled, NOK  778 160  822 849  841 581  876 968
Water fees, 120 m2 standard private dwelling 5 2 556 2 707 2 838 2 921
Wastewater treatment fees, 120 m2 standard private dwelling 5 2 927 3 101 3 203 3 307
Waste treatment fees, 120 m2 standard private dwelling 5 2 149 2 296 2 414 2 491
Average case processing time, private building applications with 12 weeks deadline 34 39 38 37
Average case processing time, adapted private regulation plans 5  228  278  317  306
Average case processing time, subdivision of land 5 89 86 71 66
Adjusted gross operating expenditure per kilometre of local road in NOK  107 212  122 936  126 844  129 680
5. Application of the law        
Percentage of approved applications for motor traffic in uncultivated areas 93 97 95 95
1  We have estimated figures for municipalities that have not reported their figures.
2  Figures are for all municipalities except Oslo.
3  The indicator is calculated on informations from all municipalities.
4  The indicator is calculated based on information from National Road Databank.
5  The numbers are based on average arithmetic fees and average case processing time from the municipalities which has reported their figures to KOSTRA.
6  Figures in NOK million.
7  Including admission to state owned rooms.
8  Including F120 Administration.
9  Pupils in both municipal and private schools are includeed.
10  Gap in the time series is caused by the application of the new data source in 2007. New contents from 2007. Gap in the time series caused by a new version of IPLOS in 2009.
11  Only includes physiotherapist with a public business agreement.
12  The figures show incidental recipients, and not the number of children under the protection of the child welfare services. This can be due to incidences where one child can receive child welfare services in more than one municipality.
13  Figures for 2011 are not shown because of uncertainty in the data quality.
14  Figures for 2008 and Social assistance for 2010 were corrected 18 June 2012.

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