Statistics Norway

Employment in municipal activities (register based)

1 Contracted man-years in municipalities and counties1. Figures for 4th Quarter 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008
  2005 2006 2007 2008 Percentage change 2007-2008
Municipalities, contracted man-years in total  303 371  312 249  324 611  334 178 2.9
of which          
Administration 45 922 44 212 45 556 46 674 2.5
Kindergarten 29 670 31 736 35 250 38 294 8.6
Primary and lower secondary education 84 780 86 856 88 758 90 545 2.0
Health and social services  124 976  131 459  137 067  140 485 2.5
Cultural activities 6 471 6 523 6 792 6 958 2.4
Other activities 11 552 11 464 11 189 11 223 0.3
Counties, contracted man-years in total 37 475 38 637 39 456 39 567 0.3
of which          
Administration 3 766 3 683 3 896 3 939 1.1
Upper secondary education 30 920 32 243 32 900 33 013 0.3
Dental health services 2 297 2 360 2 379 2 290 -3.7
Other activities  492  352  280  325 15.9
1  The figures for Oslo municipality are included in the county-figures for upper secondary school only.

Explanation of symbols