Statistics Norway

Detached houses, Average price per square metre

1   Prices per square metre for detached houses1, by county. 2005 and 2006. Price ratio
  Used detached houses New detached houses Number of new detached housees Price ratio of used detached houses in per cent of new ones
  Price per square metre Per cent change Price per square metre2 Per cent change 2005 2006 2005 2006
  2005 2006 2005 2006
Totalt 13 302 14 917 12.1 15 956 16 745 4.9 1 862 1 661 83.4 89.1
Østfold 11 865 13 022 9.8 16 011 16 034 0.1  113  120 74.1 81.2
Akershus 16 735 18 868 12.7 19 932 19 932 0.0  233  203 84.0 94.7
Oslo 25 504 28 099 10.2 23 402 24 861 6.2 22 36  109.0  113.0
Hedmark 9 828 11 053 12.5 15 503 16 811 8.4 68 66 63.4 65.7
Oppland 10 019 10 689 6.7 13 733 14 776 7.6 88 66 73.0 72.3
Buskerud 12 249 13 837 13.0 17 187 18 081 5.2  105 85 71.3 76.5
Vestfold 13 424 14 338 6.8 18 387 19 187 4.4 84 72 73.0 74.7
Telemark 10 085 10 910 8.2 14 582 14 579 0.0 46 34 69.2 74.8
Aust-Agder 10 424 11 550 10.8 14 088 14 118 0.2 84 65 74.0 81.8
Vest-Agder 11 972 13 850 15.7 14 469 15 185 4.9 73 81 82.7 91.2
Rogaland 13 129 15 957 21.5 15 318 16 776 9.5  373  281 85.7 95.1
Hordaland 15 239 17 730 16.3 14 864 16 420 10.5  152  179  102.5  108.0
Sogn og Fjordane 8 221 10 187 23.9 13 692 12 390 -9.5 22 36 60.0 82.2
Møre og Romsdal 9 801 10 609 8.2 13 671 14 632 7.0  123 94 71.7 72.5
Sør-Trøndelag 13 739 15 459 12.5 17 101 16 539 -3.3 96  105 80.3 93.5
Nord-Trøndelag 8 323 8 768 5.3 13 740 15 293 11.3 49 44 60.6 57.3
Nordland 10 191 11 396 11.8 13 732 13 615 -0.9 47 28 74.2 83.7
Troms Romsa 14 687 16 034 9.2 15 881 16 378 3.1 63 57 92.5 97.9
Finnmark Finnmárku 11 918 14 497 21.6 14 403 : : 21 9 82.7 :
Stavanger 16 848 21 430 27.2 17 544 21 809 24.3 49 41 96.0 98.3
Bergen 18 709 21 841 16.7 20 042 18 813 -6.1 12 17 93.3  116.1
Trondheim 16 798 19 053 13.4 18 514 19 674 6.3 51 46 90.7 96.8
1  Price is per square metre of useful floor space. Useful floor space does not include basement and storage areas. A Precise definition can be found in NS 3940. Earlier versions of these statistics have used utility floor space, and as a result, the new figures are not directly comparable to the old ones.
2  Prices include site value. Administrative fees and interest on building loans are not included in the price. These costs usually amount to about 4 per cent of the total price.

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