Statistics Norway

Road goods transport

6 Comparisons with other Nordic countries. Transport performance. Million tonne-kilometres
  Norway1 Sweden Denmark Finland
Transport performance        
National and international transports        
2000 15 152.3 35 552.0 24 021.4 31 974.0
2001 15 183.2 34 161.0 22 155.6 30 477.0
2002 15 424.7 36 620.0 22 515.5 31 966.0
2003 16 686.5 36 603.0 23 009.3 30 925.0
2004 17 464.6 36 926.0 23 113.5 32 289.9
2005 18 243.3 38 571.0 23 298.7 31 856.7
2006 19 392.6 39 898.0 21 254.2 29 739.9
2007 19 630.9 40 525.0 20 959.9 29 816.8
1st quarter 4 900.1 10 303.0 5 638.6 6 971.6
2nd quarter 4 527.1 10 622.0 5 409.0 8 071.9
3rd quarter 5 006.1 9 206.0 4 626.7 6 790.5
4th quarter 5 197.5 10 394.0 5 285.1 7 982.8
1st quarter 4 785.0 10 760.0 4 856.2 8 004.2
National transports        
2000 12 133.1 31 355.0 11 000.1 27 716.0
2001 12 394.0 29 970.0 10 886.8 26 677.0
2002 12 718.9 31 804.0 11 056.6 28 069.0
2003 13 618.2 31 432.0 11 012.3 24 574.0
2004 14 458.2 32 669.0 10 538.4 27 329.0
2005 15 348.3 34 697.0 11 057.8 27 814.0
2006 15 316.0 35 455.0 11 494.7 25 490.0
2007 15 674.9 36 375.0 11 799.7 25 962.0
1st quarter 4 056.8 9 118.0 2 995.5 6 017.0
2nd quarter 3 593.4 9 669.0 3 141.4 6 792.0
3rd quarter 3 808.9 8 323.0 2 628.8 6 222.0
4th quarter 4 215.9 9 265.0 3 033.4 6 931.0
1st quarter 3 854.1 9 678.0 2 622.8 7 169.0
International transport        
2000 3 019.2 4 197.0 13 021.3 4 258.0
2001 2 789.2 4 191.0 11 268.8 3 800.0
2002 2 705.8 4 816.0 11 458.9 3 897.0
2003 3 068.3 5 171.0 11 997.0 4 030.0
2004 3 006.4 4 257.0 12 575.1 4 959.9
2005 2 894.9 3 874.0 12 240.9 4 042.6
2006 4 076.5 4 444.0 9 759.6 4 249.9
2007 3 956.0 4 150.0 9 160.2 3 854.8
1st quarter  843.3 1 185.0 2 643.1  954.6
2nd quarter  933.8  954.0 2 267.6 1 279.9
3rd quarter 1 197.3  882.0 1 997.9  568.5
4th quarter  981.7 1 129.0 2 251.6 1 051.8
1st quarter  931.0 1 082.0 2 233.4  835.2
1  As from 2006 the statistics on international transport with Norwegian lorries are calibrated against the external trade statistics. These figures are therefore not comparable with figures referring to earlier years.

Explanation of symbols