Statistics Norway

Rental Market Survey

2 Average monthly rents and annual rents per sqm by area and number of rooms. Nok. 1st quarter 2010
Area Number of rooms Average monthly rents Average annual rents per sqm
1 room1 4 410 1 758
2 rooms 5 281 1 237
3 rooms 6 010 1 021
4 rooms 6 503  866
5 rooms or more 6 535  734
Oslo with Bærum    
1 room1 5 492 2 235
2 rooms 7 252 1 769
3 rooms 9 097 1 589
4 rooms 10 939 1 456
5 rooms or more 12 187 1 357
Akershus (excluding Bærum)    
1 room1 4: 4:
2 rooms 5 727 1 314
3 rooms 6 678 1 124
4 rooms 7 381 4:
5 rooms or more 4: 4:
Bergen, Trondheim, Stavanger and Tromsø    
1 room1 4 121 1 959
2 rooms 5 756 1 402
3 rooms 6 829 1 202
4 rooms 7 901 1 131
5 rooms or more 10 193 1 168
Urban settlements with more than 20,000 inhabitants2    
1 room1 4: 4:
2 rooms 4 945 1 136
3 rooms 5 698 1 004
4 rooms 6 476  878
5 rooms or more 4: 4:
Urban settlements with between 2,000 and 19,999 inhabitants3    
1 room1 4: 4:
2 rooms 4 402 1 019
3 rooms 5 036  826
4 rooms 5 392  696
5 rooms or more 5 717  696
Urban settlements with between 200 and 1,999 inhabitants and sparsely populated areas3    
1 room1 4: 4:
2 rooms 3 703 4:
3 rooms 4 153  650
4 rooms 4 627 4:
5 rooms or more 4 608 4:
1  Lodgings without independent access are omitted.
2  Excluding Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim, Stavanger, Tromsø and Akershus.
3  Excluding Akershus.
4  Not available.

Explanation of symbols