Wage statistics. Full-time employees

6   Full-time employees. Average monthly earnings1, by division2 and sex. 3 rd quarter 2000. Kroner
Division and sex Employees covered by the survey Monthly earnings Payment for overtime work
Total Basic paid salary Variable additional allowances Bonuses, commission etc.
Males and females  783 535      24 404 23 285  768  351  920
Oil and gas extraction, mining 21 750 35 376 30 654 4 238  483 3 025
Manufacturing  126 567 23 388 22 427  715  246 1 411
Electricity, gas and water supply 11 001 23 714 22 982  719 13 1 080
Construction 37 037 23 182 22 369  542  271  892
Employees in wholesale and retail trade 83 140 23 922 22 832  223  867  627
Transport, storage and communication 45 122 24 498 23 407  673  418 1 080
Financing 30 161 28 687 27 788  183  716  587
Real estate, renting and business activities 50 919 29 027 27 907  308  812 1 029
Central government  112 754 24 420 23 019 1 401 0  920
Teaching staff, publicly maintained schools 66 469 24 991 24 044  947 0  170
Municipals and county municipals3  162 217 21 857 20 417 1 440 0  598
Private education 3 728 24 063 23 827  234 2  274
Health and social work 16 221 20 784 20 231  468 84  353
Social and personal service activities 16 449 25 211 24 610  403  198  756
Males  476 587 25 678 24 336  907  435 1 151
Oil and gas extraction, mining 17 968 36 612 31 408 4 695  509 3 271
Manufacturing 99 883 23 964 22 907  795  262 1 594
Electricity, gas and water supply 9 623 24 021 23 202  805 14 1 162
Construction 35 016 23 248 22 416  563  270  923
Employees in wholesale and retail trade 55 247 25 347 24 038  241 1 068  733
Transport, storage and communication 33 212 25 381 24 128  822  431 1 271
Financing 16 030 32 489 31 308  256  925  613
Real estate, renting and business activities 34 828 31 587 30 210  423  955 1 185
Central government 71 632 25 476 23 538 1 937 0 1 193
Teaching staff, publicly maintained schools 29 290 25 859 24 737 1 122 0  264
Municipals and county municipals3 57 515 23 712 21 511 2 200 0  881
Private education 1 919 25 751 25 399  349 3  328
Health and social work 5 301 23 148 22 296  729  122  505
Social and personal service activities 9 123 26 937 26 206  510  220  950
Females  306 948 21 951 21 261  501  189  475
Oil and gas extraction, mining 3 782 29 387 27 002 2 027  358 1 835
Manufacturing 26 684 21 091 20 510  399  181  684
Electricity, gas and water supply 1 378 21 589 21 454  126 8  512
Construction 2 021 21 911 21 491  134  286  291
Employees in wholesale and retail trade 27 893 20 659 20 071  182  406  385
Transport, storage and communication 11 910 22 031 21 393  258  381  545
Financing 14 131 24 403 23 821  102  480  559
Real estate, renting and business activities 16 091 24 202 23 567 92  543  735
Central government 41 122 22 581 22 114  467 0  445
Teaching staff, publicly maintained schools 37 179 24 307 23 498  809 0 95
Municipals and county municipals3  104 702 20 838 19 816 1 022 0  443
Private education 1 809 22 110 22 007  101 2  213
Health and social work 10 920 19 686 19 272  347 67  283
Social and personal service activities 7 326 22 930 22 501  261  168  500
1  Salaries including irregular payments, bonuses, commission etc., excluding payment for overtime.
2  NOS Standard Industrial Classification.
3  Oslo included in 2000 and 2001.
Source: Wage statistics, Statistics Norway.
More information:  http://www.ssb.no/english/subjects/06/05/ .

Explanation of symbols