Wage statistics. Full-time employees

8   Full-time employees. Average monthly earnings, by sex and section1 per 3rd quarter 20022. Kroner
Sex and section Employees covered by the survey Monthly earnings Payment for overtime work
Total Basic paid salary Variable additional allowances Bonuses, commission etc.
Males and females  855 928      27 226 25 987  855  385 1 045
Oil and gas extraction, mining 21 972 40 429 34 239 5 386  804 3 155
Manufacturing  133 767 25 991 24 867  832  293 1 597
Electricity, gas and water supply 11 221 27 246 26 476  611  158 1 307
Construction 40 269 25 702 24 833  592  277 1 012
Employees in wholesale and retail trade 83 255 26 376 25 255  225  896  635
Hotels and restaurants 15 135 20 872 20 381  323  168  301
Transport, storage and communication 71 299 26 871 25 580  883  408 1 007
Financing 35 626 33 285 31 883  267 1 135  565
Real estate, renting and business activities 56 419 32 013 30 917  351  744  999
Central government3  109 495 26 983 25 670 1 313 0 1 055
Teaching staff, publicly maintained schools 64 935 28 808 27 834  975 0 97
Municipals and county municipals3  117 876 23 238 22 442  797 0  599
Public hospitals 54 653 27 359 23 784 3 574 0 2 785
Private education 4 384 26 894 26 559  285 50  194
Health and social work 16 362 22 874 22 482  336 55  363
Social and personal service activities 19 260 28 102 27 377  485  241  754
Males  517 174 28 581 27 108  999  475 1 273
Oil and gas extraction, mining 18 381 41 297 34 734 5 743  820 3 363
Manufacturing  105 317 26 623 25 397  918  308 1 794
Electricity, gas and water supply 9 467 27 850 26 985  707  158 1 451
Construction 37 999 25 782 24 889  614  279 1 049
Employees in wholesale and retail trade 54 979 27 652 26 334  257 1 062  747
Hotels and restaurants 6 884 22 155 21 608  312  235  359
Transport, storage and communication 50 628 27 670 26 199 1 040  431 1 163
Financing 19 182 37 902 36 037  324 1 541  576
Real estate, renting and business activities 37 926 34 583 33 264  446  873 1 185
Central government3 69 644 28 085 26 268 1 818 0 1 409
Teaching staff, publicly maintained schools 28 466 29 576 28 489 1 090 0  152
Municipals and county municipals3 43 261 24 406 23 372 1 034 0  927
Public hospitals 16 635 32 286 25 572 6 714 0 4 300
Private education 2 222 28 640 28 144  430 65  223
Health and social work 5 243 25 425 24 851  499 75  543
Social and personal service activities 10 940 29 799 28 922  588  289  948
Females  338 754 24 587 23 804  574  209  599
Oil and gas extraction, mining 3 591 35 777 31 587 3 470  720 2 039
Manufacturing 28 450 23 483 22 761  487  235  815
Electricity, gas and water supply 1 754 23 984 23 730 95  159  531
Construction 2 270 24 177 23 767  170  240  310
Employees in wholesale and retail trade 28 276 23 116 22 498  143  475  350
Hotels and restaurants 8 251 19 832 19 387  332  113  254
Transport, storage and communication 20 671 24 380 23 648  392  340  519
Financing 16 444 27 809 26 956  200  653  552
Real estate, renting and business activities 18 493 26 998 26 339  166  493  635
Central government3 39 851 25 056 24 626  430 0  436
Teaching staff, publicly maintained schools 36 469 28 208 27 322  886 0 54
Municipals and county municipals3 74 615 22 562 21 903  659 0  409
Public hospitals 38 018 25 203 23 002 2 201 0 2 122
Private education 2 162 24 761 24 621  108 32  159
Health and social work 11 119 21 679 21 373  260 46  278
Social and personal service activities 8 320 25 756 25 241  342  173  487
1  NOS Standard Industrial Classification.
2  Preliminary figures.
3  Exklusive hospitals.
Source: Wage statistics, Statistics Norway.
More information:  http://www.ssb.no/english/subjects/06/05/ .

Explanation of symbols