Statistics Norway

Wage statistics. All employees

1 Average monthly earnings and basic monthly salary for full-time equivalents, by sector, sex and working hours per 3rd quarter 2010 and 2011. NOK1 and per cent
Sex and sector Employees covered by the survey Monthly earnings Percentage change 2010-2011 Basic monthly salary Percentage change 2010-2011
2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011
      NOK Per cent NOK Per cent
Total 1 576 963 1 605 354 36 700 38 100 3.8 34 600 36 000 4.0
Males  746 552  759 619 39 300 40 800 3.8 36 800 38 200 3.8
Females  830 411  845 735 33 400 34 800 4.2 31 900 33 100 3.8
Full-time 1 047 334 1 070 875 38 100 39 600 3.9 36 000 37 400 3.9
Males  617 876  627 206 39 900 41 500 4.0 37 500 38 900 3.7
Females  429 458  443 669 34 800 36 200 4.0 33 500 34 900 4.2
Part-time  529 629  534 479 30 600 31 600 3.3 28 500 29 400 3.2
Males  128 676  132 413 30 900 31 900 3.2 28 700 29 600 3.1
Females  400 953  402 066 30 500 31 500 3.3 28 500 29 400 3.2
Public sector  686 623  700 064 35 800 37 000 3.4 33 900 35 000 3.2
Males  205 694  208 918 38 900 40 200 3.3 36 800 38 100 3.5
Females  480 929  491 146 34 400 35 500 3.2 32 400 33 500 3.4
Full-time  383 658  391 834 37 000 38 300 3.5 35 400 36 700 3.7
Males  154 656  155 771 39 500 40 800 3.3 37 600 38 900 3.5
Females  229 002  236 063 35 300 36 600 3.7 34 000 35 200 3.5
Part-time  302 965  308 230 33 300 34 300 3.0 30 300 31 200 3.0
Males 51 038 53 147 35 400 36 500 3.1 32 300 33 100 2.5
Females  251 927  255 083 32 900 33 900 3.0 30 000 30 900 3.0
Private sector  890 340  905 290 37 100 38 600 4.0 35 000 36 300 3.7
Males  540 858  550 701 39 300 40 900 4.1 36 800 38 200 3.8
Females  349 482  354 589 32 600 34 100 4.6 31 400 32 800 4.5
Full-time  663 676  679 041 38 400 40 000 4.2 36 200 37 600 3.9
Males  463 220  471 435 40 000 41 600 4.0 37 400 38 900 4.0
Females  200 456  207 606 34 500 36 000 4.3 33 200 34 600 4.2
Part-time  226 664  226 249 28 000 29 000 3.6 26 800 27 700 3.4
Males 77 638 79 266 28 900 29 900 3.5 27 200 28 100 3.3
Females  149 026  146 983 27 600 28 600 3.6 26 600 27 500 3.4
1  All wage variables are rounded to the nearest NOK 100.

Explanation of symbols