Statistics Norway

Wage statistics. Employees in professional, scientific and technical activities

1 Employees in professional, scientific and technical activities 1 per full-time eqvivalent and sex per 1 September 2008 and 2009. NOK and percentage change
Sex and working hours Employees covered by the survey Monthly earnings Percentage change
2008 2009 2008 2009 2008-2009
Professional, scientific and technical activites, total 47 570 51 674 43 700 44 900 2.7
Full-time employees 42 377 45 703 44 300 45 600 2.9
Part-time emplyees 5 193 5 971 35 500 36 600 3.1
Males 29 292 31 656 48 200 49 300 2.3
Full-time employees 27 730 29 876 48 400 49 500 2.3
Part-time emplyees 1 562 1 780 41 500 41 800 0.7
Females 18 278 20 018 36 600 38 100 4.1
Full-time employees 14 647 15 827 37 200 38 700 4.0
Part-time emplyees 3 631 4 191 33 700 34 900 3.6
1  NOS Standard Industrial Classification SN07.
2  Rounded to the closest NOK 100.

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