Statistics Norway

Wage statistics. Employees in financial intermediation

1 Employees in financial intermediation1 per full-time eqvivalent per 1 September 2007 and 2008. NOK and percentage change
Sex and working hours Employees covered by the survey Monthly earnings Percentage change
2007 2008 2007 2008 2007-2008
Financial intermediation, total 41 735 44 221 43 034 47 062 9.4
Full-time employees 36 882 39 463 44 013 48 774 10.8
Part-time emplyees 4 853 4 758 31 415 32 952 4.9
Males 20 423 21 844 51 241 57 200 11.6
Full-time employees 19 803 21 119 51 456 57 817 12.4
Part-time emplyees  620  725 38 338 39 579 3.2
Females 21 312 22 377 34 630 37 107 7.2
Full-time employees 17 079 18 344 35 291 38 295 8.5
Part-time emplyees 4 233 4 033 30 589 31 736 3.7
1  Standard Industrial Classification.

Explanation of symbols