Statistics Norway

Wage statistics. Employees in financial intermediation

1 Employees in financial intermediation1 per full-time eqvivalent per 1 September 2010 and 2011. NOK2 and percentage change
Sex and working hours Employees covered by the survey Monthly earnings Percentage change 2010-2011
2010 2011 2010 2011
Financial intermediation, total 42 932 43 092 49 600 53 100 7.1
Full-time employees 38 648 38 964 50 600 54 200 7.1
Part-time emplyees 4 284 4 128 35 900 37 500 4.5
Males 21 317 21 566 58 700 62 900 7.2
Full-time employees 20 624 20 816 59 000 63 300 7.3
Part-time emplyees  693  750 44 100 44 700 1.4
Females 21 615 21 526 40 000 42 400 6.0
Full-time employees 18 024 18 148 40 700 43 100 5.9
Part-time emplyees 3 591 3 378 34 400 36 200 5.2
1  Standard Industrial Classification.
2  All wage variables are rounded to the nearest 100 NOK.

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