Wage statistics. Employees in health and social work

1   Full-time employees in private health and social work activities1. Average monthly earnings, by class per 1 October 2002. NOK
Class Employees covered by the survey Monthly earnings Payment for overtime work
Total Basic paid salary Variable additional allowances Bonuses, commission etc.
Health and social work activities, total 16 362      22 874 22 482  336 55  363
Health activities, total 6 641 24 666 23 954  598  115  550
Hospital activities 3 397 24 748 24 025  693 29  690
Other health activities 3 244 24 611 23 905  533  173  455
Social work activities, total 9 721 21 798 21 599  179 20  250
Child care activities, school-age child care and recreation centres for children and adolescents 3 786 19 384 19 352 27 4  141
Other social work activities without accomodation 4 150 23 787 23 595  159 33  337
Home help, day nursing and caring for aged, disabled, drug addicts and alcholics and social welfare services for children and adolescents 1 785 23 111 22 456  627 28  319
1  NOS Standard of Industrial Classification.

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