Statistics Norway

Earnings in private health and social services

1 Employees in private health and sosial work activities1 per full-time eqvivalent per 1 October 2010 and 2011. NOK2 and percentage change
Sex and working hours Employees covered by the survey Monthly earnings Percentage change
Basic salary Percentage change
2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011
      NOK Per cent NOK Per cent
Health and social work activities, total 58 246 61 668 31 900 33 500 5.0 31 100 32 600 4.8
Full-time employees 32 364 35 373 32 400 34 000 4.9 31 800 33 400 5.0
Part-time emplyees 25 882 26 295 30 700 32 100 4.6 29 300 30 600 4.4
Males 14 075 15 151 35 800 37 500 4.7 34 700 36 400 4.9
Full-time employees 9 800 10 796 36 300 38 100 5.0 35 400 37 200 5.1
Part-time emplyees 4 275 4 355 33 200 34 300 3.3 30 800 31 900 3.6
Females 44 171 46 517 30 600 32 200 5.2 29 900 31 400 5.0
Full-time employees 22 564 24 577 30 800 32 400 5.2 30 400 31 900 4.9
Part-time emplyees 21 607 21 940 30 300 31 800 5.0 29 100 30 400 4.5
1  Standard Industrial Classification.
2  All wage variables are rounded to the nearest NOK 100.

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