Statistics Norway

Earnings in private health and social services

2 Employees in private health and sosial work activities1 per 1 October 2010 and 2011. NOK2 and percentage change
Subclass Employees covered by the survey Average monthly earnings Percentage change
2010 2011 2010 2011 2010-2011
Helse- og sosialtjenester i alt 32 364 35 373 32 400 34 000 4.9
Health activities, total 9 366 9 634 37 800 39 800 5.3
Of which          
Hospital activities 6 041 6 141 37 300 39 000 4.6
Social work activities, total 22 998 25 739 29 600 31 100 5.1
Of which          
Child care activities 10 819 12 043 27 000 28 800 6.7
Arbeidstreningsbedrifter [Vocational rehabilitation acitivities] 3 429 5 278 31 300 32 600 4.2
1  NOS Standard Industrial Classification.
2  All wage variables are rounded to the nearest NOK 100.

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