Statistics Norway

Wage statistics. Employees in hotels and restaurants

5   Full-time employees in canteens and catering1. Average monthly earnings, by occupational group2. 1 October 2003. NOK
Occupational group Employees
covered by the survey
Monthly earnings Payment for
overtime work
Total Basic paid salary Variable
additional allowances
commission etc.
Canteens and catering, total 2 491       23 073 22 308  454  311  424
Of which            
Senior officials and managers  236 33 201 31 239  210 1 751  214
Market sales workers and service workers  676 23 138 22 575  323  240  459
Elementary occupations 1 325 20 469 19 834  518  117  402
1  NOS Standard Industrial Classification.
2  NOS Standard Classification of Occupations.

Explanation of symbols