Wage statistics. Employees in the ICT sector

2   Full-time employees in the ICT-sector. Average monthly earnings, by industry per 3rd quarter 2001. Kroner
Industry Employees covered by the survey Monthly earnings Payment for overtime work
Total Basic paid salary Variable additional allowances Bonuses, commission etc.
Total 36 801      31 938 29 906  375 1 656 1 059
ICT Manufacturing 6 994 30 076 29 084  366  626 1 770
ICT Wholesale 8 008 30 949 27 879  224 2 846  745
ICT Telecommunications 7 744 31 362 29 633  640 1 089  905
ICT Consultancy services 14 055 35 502 33 696  227 1 579 1 163

Explanation of symbols