Wage statistics. Employees in the ICT sector

3   Full-time employees in the ICT-sector. Average monthly earnings, by industry per 3rd quarter 2000. Kroner
Industry Employees covered by the survey Monthly earnings Payment for overtime work
Total Basic paid salary Variable additional allowances Bonuses, commission etc.
Total 37 483      29 497 27 735  293 1 469  906
ICT Manufacturing 6 638 29 112 28 115  420  577 1 390
ICT Wholesale 7 827 28 631 25 985  194 2 452  598
ICT Telecommunications 9 472 27 954 26 738  301  916  869
ICT Consultancy services 13 546 33 911 31 977  328 1 606 1 036

Explanation of symbols