Statistics Norway

Wage statistics. Employees in the Information sector

1 Employees in the information sector per full-time eqvivalent per 1 October 2007 and 2008. NOK and percentage change
Sex and working hours Employees covered by the survey Monthly earnings Percentage change
2007 2008 2007 2008 2007-2008
The information sector, total 57 576 62 338 39 992 41 699 4.3
Full-time employees 53 939 58 107 40 738 42 518 4.4
Part-time emplyees 3 637 4 231 22 260 24 002 7.8
Males 38 986 42 562 42 436 44 267 4.3
Full-time employees 37 642 40 950 42 876 44 723 4.3
Part-time emplyees 1 344 1 612 21 026 24 009 14.2
Females 18 590 19 776 34 644 35 932 3.7
Full-time employees 16 297 17 157 35 733 37 171 4.0
Part-time emplyees 2 293 2 619 22 900 23 998 4.8

Explanation of symbols