Statistics Norway

Wage statistics. Employees in the Information sector

2 Full-time employees in the information sector. Average monthly earnings, by industry per 3rd quarter 2006-2008. NOK and percentage change
Industry Monthly earnings Percentage change
2006 2007 2008 2006-2007 2007-2008
  NOK Per cent
Information sector 38 012 40 738 42 518 7.2 4.4
ICT-sector 39 641 42 429 44 125 7.0 4.0
Of which          
ICT Manufacturing 36 346 39 040 40 385 7.4 3.4
ICT Wholesale 37 257 39 757 40 270 6.7 1.3
ICT Telecommunications 40 364 42 074 44 734 4.2 6.3
ICT Consultancy services 40 816 43 970 45 966 7.7 4.5
Content sector 34 797 36 936 38 761 6.1 4.9
Of which          
Publishing industries 34 699 36 389 39 055 4.9 7.3
Information services 37 174 39 063 40 359 5.1 3.3
Radio and television 34 260 36 449 38 295 6.4 5.1

Explanation of symbols