Wage statistics. Municipal and county municipal employees

2   Fulltime employees1 in municipalities and county municipalities. Average monthly earnings per 1 October 2000, by occupational group. Kroner
Occupational group Employees covered by the census Monthly earnings Payment for overtime work
     Total Salary according to scale Fixed additional allowances Variable additional allowances
Employees, total 136 907 21 765 20 374 659 732 559
Administrative employees, total 33 518 22 152 21 976 93 83 313
Senior officials 8 509 27 532 27 250 192 90 294
Administrative employees with qualified, independent work 15 123 21 809 21 655 79 76 397
Administrative employees with routine work 9 886 18 046 17 929 30 87 199
Technical employees, total 10 191 22 436 21 707 204 525 675
Senior technical employees 2 021 25 909 25 384 253 272 617
Technical employees with qualified and independent work 5 964 22 187 21 372 227 589 707
Subordinate technical occupation 2 206 19 927 19 244 98 585 640
Workers, total 16 828 18 931 18 007 228 696 818
Foremen 2 109 20 158 19 121 291 746 1 077
Skilled workers 8 017 18 841 18 133 201 508 786
Other workers 6 702 18 652 17 505 242 905 774
Employees with clients treating, total 50 450 23 943 20 924 1 571 1 448 823
Clients treating, senior occupation 8 397 37 764 27 081 8 805 1 878 1 837
Clients treating, qualified, independant occupation 30 626 21 915 20 474 140 1 301 732
Clients treating, subordinate occupation 11 427 19 223 17 606 89 1 527 324
Employees in service occupations, total 25 920 18 600 18 245 74 281 150
Senior service occupation 1 361 24 133 23 900 110 123 213
Qualified, independent service occupation 9 033 20 872 20 694 79 98 140
Subordinate service occupation 15 526 16 793 16 324 68 401 150
1  Excluding employees in the municipality of Oslo and employees in production and distribution of electricity as well as educational staff in publicly maintained schools.

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