Statistics Norway

Wage statistics. Employees in municipalities and county municipalities

3 Average monthly earnings for full-time employees in municipalities and county municipalities, by occupation. December 1, 2008. NOK1
  Employees covered by the survey Monthly earnings
  Total Basic salary Variable additional allowances Payment for overtime work
County municipality and local government total  196 030 32 500 31 400 1 100  700
of which:          
Senior officials and managers 15 821 40 800 40 400  500  500
Professionals 29 378 36 000 35 100  900 1 200
Technicians and associate professionals 80 583 32 700 31 500 1 200  500
Clerks 3 838 26 900 26 700  200  300
Sales, service and caring activities workers 36 316 26 800 25 100 1 700  600
Craft workers 3 946 28 700 27 400 1 300 1 800
Operators and drivers 1 127 28 800 27 200 1 600 2 000
Elementary occupations 4 004 24 900 24 600  300  300
1  All wage variables are rounded to the nearest NOK 100.

Explanation of symbols