Statistics Norway

Wage statistics. Employees in arts, entertainment and recreation

3 Full-time employees in arts, entertainment and recreation activities1. Average monthly earnings, by occupational group2 and sex per 1 October 2008. NOK3
Occupational group and sex Employees covered by the survey Monthly earnings Overtime pay
Total Basic salary Variable additional allowances Bonuses
Arts, entertainment and recreation activities, total 7 037 33 200 32 300  200  700  500
Of which            
Senior officials and managers  940 42 900 41 800  100 1 100  200
Of which            
Directors and officials managers  160 49 500 48 400 0 1 100 0
General managers of small enterprises  235 37 800 37 200  100  500  100
Professionals 1 645 34 200 33 700  400  100  400
Technicians and associate professionals 2 390 34 400 32 900  200 1 300  600
Clerks  751 26 600 26 300  200  200  400
Craft workers  370 27 800 27 600  200  100  800
Males, total 3 945 35 700 34 500  300  900  600
Of which            
Senior officials and managers  576 45 500 44 400  100 1 000  200
Professionals  918 35 200 34 600  500  100  500
Technicians and associate professionals 1 521 37 200 35 100  300 1 800  700
Females, total 3 092 30 000 29 500  200  400  400
Of which            
Senior officials and managers  364 39 000 37 900 0 1 200  200
Professionals  727 32 800 32 500  300 0  300
Technicians and associate professionals  869 29 600 29 100  100  400  400
1  Standard Industrial Classification.
2  Standard Classification of Occupations.
3  All wage variables are rounded to the nearest NOK 100.

Explanation of symbols