Statistics Norway

Wage statistics. Wagesums according to the register of end of the year certificates

9   Average wage for senior officials by quartile. Enterprises with 25 work liaison and more. Identical men and women. 2002-2003.
Quartile 2002 2003 Percentage change
25 work liaisons and more 3  603 947  629 994 4.3
1. quartile  305 753  305 544 -0.1
2. quartile  435 711  450 226 3.3
3. quartile  578 851  602 573 4.1
4. quartile 1 095 255 1 161 397 6.0
25-49 work liaisons 3  501 256  519 360 3.6
1. quartile  281 567  278 311 -1.2
2. quartile  392 444  405 154 3.2
3. quartile  498 518  517 293 3.8
4. quartile  832 237  876 402 5.3
50-99 work liaisons 3  613 007  633 713 3.4
1. quartile  333 729  333 266 -0.1
2. quartile  462 917  476 409 2.9
3. quartile  592 350  614 052 3.7
4. quartile 1 062 498 1 110 555 4.5
100 - 249 work liaisons 3  784 474  825 014 5.2
1. quartile  406 245  420 191 3.4
2. quartile  579 115  604 750 4.4
3. quartile  768 330  809 934 5.4
4. quartile 1 382 908 1 463 792 5.8
250 work liaisons3 and more 1 157 512 1 250 501 8.0
1. quartile  540 791  567 625 5.0
2. quartile  818 041  855 754 4.6
3. quartile 1 109 429 1 191 810 7.4
4. quartile 2 157 187 2 381 720 10.4
1  Includes wage, cash payments of options in employment and payments in kind.
2  Official manager is the person in a enterprise with the higest wage two consecutive years.
3  Number of work liaisons are the sum of wage certificates per person from each enterprise, which can be at variance with number of employees.

Explanation of symbols