Statistics Norway

Wage statistics. Wagesums according to the register of end of the year certificates

2   Average wage1 for senior officials2, by quartile. Enterprises with 25 work liaison3 and more. Identical men and women. 2003-2004
Quartile 2003 2004 Percentage
25 work liaisons and more3  628 665  668 598 6.4
1. quartile  316 499  340 396 7.6
2. quartile  450 570  471 837 4.7
3. quartile  603 256  630 043 4.4
4. quartile 1 144 182 1 231 949 7.7
25-49 work liaisons3  519 401  544 375 4.8
1. quartile  290 089  315 294 8.7
2. quartile  404 938  422 946 4.4
3. quartile  515 741  534 919 3.7
4. quartile  866 650  904 150 4.3
50-99 work liaisons3  623 075  663 443 6.5
1. quartile  344 493  367 780 6.8
2. quartile  474 378  499 647 5.3
3. quartile  614 363  639 386 4.1
4. quartile 1 058 542 1 146 378 8.3
100-249 work liaisons3  836 139  888 375 6.2
1. quartile  441 284  475 237 7.7
2. quartile  610 596  645 946 5.8
3. quartile  819 599  869 791 6.1
4. quartile 1 471 674 1 561 057 6.1
250 work liaisons3 and more 1 248 602 1 402 711 12.3
1. quartile  586 027  638 071 8.9
2. quartile  868 328  969 771 11.7
3. quartile 1 235 704 1 416 394 14.6
4. quartile 2 299 331 2 580 814 12.2
1  Includes wage, cash payments of options in employment and payments in kind.
2  Official manager is the person in a enterprise with the higest wage two consecutive years.
3  Number of work liaisons are the sum of wage certificates per person from each enterprise, which can be at variance with number of employees.

Explanation of symbols