Statistics Norway

Wage statistics. Wagesums according to the register of end of the year certificates

3   Number of persons, total amount and average amount for some main figures. The whole country. 2003 and 2004
  Number of persons Total amount in NOK million Percentage change average amount in NOK Percentage change
  2003 2004 2003 2004 2003-2004 2003 2004 2003-2004
Payment in cash 2 641 343       2 627 899      611 235    627 798 2.7    231 411    238 897 3.2
Of which                
Wages and remuneration 2 614 542 2 604 046  602 777  619 440 2.8  230 548  237 876 3.2
Disbursements of unemployment benefits  223 123  188 282 10 975 10 952 -0.2 49 189 58 168 18.3
Sickness and maternity leave benefits1  334 082  322 288 15 022 14 230 -5.3 44 966 44 154 -1.8
Pensions 1 469 995 1 471 828  175 432  186 881 6.5  119 342  126 972 6.4
1  Sickness and maternity leave benefits consist of the part of the amount paid by the National Insurance Scheme.

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