Statistics Norway

Wage statistics. Wagesums according to the register of end of the year certificates

2   Average wage1 for senior officials2, by quartile. Enterprises with 25 work liaison3 and more. Identical men and women. 2004 and 20054
Quartile 2004 2005 Percentage change
25 work liaisons and more 3  668 453  726 416 8.7
1. quartile  330 718  357 416 8.1
2. quartile  467 300  490 132 4.9
3. quartile  626 844  664 285 6.0
4. quartile 1 248 797 1 393 665 11.6
25-49 work liaisons 3  543 624  572 474 5.3
1. quartile  305 778  329 734 7.8
2. quartile  420 584  440 494 4.7
3. quartile  533 796  558 412 4.6
4. quartile  914 046  960 948 5.1
50-99 work liaisons 3  676 760  748 436 10.6
1. quartile  359 559  388 940 8.2
2. quartile  498 925  521 785 4.6
3. quartile  646 394  686 280 6.2
4. quartile 1 201 206 1 395 563 16.2
100 - 249 work liaisons 3  857 739  974 959 13.7
1. quartile  437 927  488 605 11.6
2. quartile  630 923  675 918 7.1
3. quartile  851 791  921 264 8.2
4. quartile 1 510 317 1 814 050 20.1
250 work liaisons3 and more 1 414 128 1 565 167 10.7
1. quartile  626 062  687 913 9.9
2. quartile  928 476 1 049 059 13.0
3. quartile 1 324 872 1 539 229 16.2
4. quartile 2 766 930 2 973 877 7.5
1  Includes wage, cash payments of options in employment and payments in kind.
2  Official manager is the person in a enterprise with the higest wage two consecutive years.
3  Number of work liaisons are the sum of wage certificates per person from each enterprise, which can be at variance with number of employees.
4  Preliminary figures.

Explanation of symbols