Statistics Norway

Wage statistics. Wagesums according to the register of end of the year certificates

6   Disbursements of unemployment benefits, by amount. 2004 and 2005
  Number of persons Total amount in NOK million Percentage change
  2004 2005 2004 2005 2004-2005
Total disbursements of unemployment benefits  188 160  167 992 10 938 9 523 -12.9
NOK 1 - 4 999 13 951 10 997 39 32 -18.0
NOK 5 000 - 9 999 14 857 12 624  111 94 -15.0
NOK 10 000 - 24 999 34 999 31 954  600  549 -8.5
NOK 25 000 - 49 999 41 152 38 674 1 507 1 420 -5.8
NOK 50 000 - 99 999 46 006 43 187 3 306 3 089 -6.6
NOK 100 000 - 149 999 22 883 19 964 2 797 2 428 -13.2
NOK 150 000 and above 14 312 10 592 2 577 1 911 -25.8

Explanation of symbols