Statistics Norway

Wage statistics. Wagesums according to the register of end of the year certificates

9   Average wage1 for senior officials2, by quartile. Enterprises with 25 work liaisons3 and more. Identical men and women. 2004 and 2005
  2004 2005 Percentage change 2004-2005
25 work liaisons and more3  666 980  725 440 8.8
1. quartile  329 320  355 826 8.0
2. quartile  466 285  489 638 5.0
3. quartile  625 339  662 720 6.0
4. quartile 1 246 717 1 393 276 11.8
25-49 work liaisons3  542 289  571 560 5.4
1. quartile  304 489  328 143 7.8
2. quartile  419 869  439 948 4.8
3. quartile  532 680  556 997 4.6
4. quartile  912 119  961 152 5.4
50-99 work liaisons3  674 538  745 844 10.6
1. quartile  357 164  386 951 8.3
2. quartile  497 373  520 698 4.7
3. quartile  644 682  685 037 6.3
4. quartile 1 198 934 1 390 692 16.0
100-249 work liaisons3  857 727  975 492 13.7
1. quartile  438 449  489 818 11.7
2. quartile  630 309  674 519 7.0
3. quartile  851 287  920 719 8.2
4. quartile 1 508 569 1 813 959 20.2
250 work liaisons3 and more 1 413 807 1 570 211 11.1
1. quartile  627 323  689 815 10.0
2. quartile  932 050 1 052 211 12.9
3. quartile 1 328 538 1 538 234 15.8
4. quartile 2 767 315 3 000 584 8.4
1  Includes wage, cash payments of options in employment and payments in kind.
2  Official manager is the person in an enterprise with the highest wage two consecutive years.
3  Number of work liaisons is the sum of wage certificates per person from each enterprise, which can be at variance with number of employees.

Explanation of symbols