Statistics Norway

Wage statistics. Wagesums according to the register of end of the year certificates

2   Average wage1 for senior officials2 by quartile. Enterprises with 25 work liaison3 and more. Identical men and women. 2005 and 20064
Quartile 2005 2006 Percentage change
25 work liaisons and more3  705 729  791 194 12.1
1. quartile  341 439  380 665 11.5
2. quartile  482 441  516 038 7.0
3. quartile  653 172  704 411 7.8
4. quartile 1 345 865 1 563 662 16.2
25-49 work liaisons3  567 964  628 869 10.7
1. quartile  314 871  349 476 11.0
2. quartile  435 541  462 588 6.2
3. quartile  555 575  592 793 6.7
4. quartile  965 666 1 110 379 15.0
50-99 work liaisons3  722 248  791 704 9.6
1. quartile  372 730  408 176 9.5
2. quartile  515 293  556 436 8.0
3. quartile  678 059  738 931 9.0
4. quartile 1 322 207 1 462 494 10.6
100-249 work liaisons3  977 549 1 113 131 13.9
1. quartile  454 580  528 646 16.3
2. quartile  661 140  721 881 9.2
3. quartile  890 729  996 774 11.9
4. quartile 1 900 484 2 201 379 15.8
250 work liaisons3 and more 1 404 372 1 689 186 20.3
1. quartile  623 734  700 782 12.4
2. quartile  953 270 1 035 452 8.6
3. quartile 1 361 509 1 671 432 22.8
4. quartile 2 673 237 3 341 813 25.0
1  Includes wage, cash payments of options in employment and payments in kind.
2  Official manager is the person in a enterprise with the higest wage two consecutive years.
3  Number of work liaisons are the sum of wage certificates per person from each enterprise, which can be at variance with number of employees.
4  Preliminary figures.

Explanation of symbols