Statistics Norway

Wage statistics. Wagesums according to the register of end of the year certificates

3   Number of persons, total amount and average amount for some main figures. The whole country. 2005 and 20061
  Number of persons Total amount in NOK million Percentage change average amount in NOK Percentage change
  2005 2006 2005 2006 2005-2006 2005 2006 2005-2006
Payment in cash 2 672 781 2 724 781  666 406  720 668 8.1  249 300  264 500 6.1
of which                
Wages and remuneration 2 639 333 2 702 652  655 959  710 076 8.3  248 500  262 700 5.7
Disbursements of unemployment benefits  167 992  119 342 9 523 6 089 -36.1 56 700 51 000 -10.1
1  Preliminary figures for 2006.

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