Statistics Norway

Wage statistics. Wagesums according to the register of end of the year certificates

1 Number of persons, total amount and average amount for some main figures. The whole country. 2006 and 20071
  Number of persons Total amount in NOK million Percentage change average amount in NOK Percentage change
  2006 2007 2006 2007 2007-2007 2006 2007 2006-2007
Payment in cash 2 754 295    2 831 752  726 712  799 527 10.0  263 800  282 300 7.0
Of which                
Wages and remuneration 2 720 512 2 809 361  714 207  787 952 10.3  262 500  280 500 6.9
Disbursements of unemployment benefits  119 282 94 338 6 073 4 357 -28.3 50 900 46 200 -9.2
1  Preliminary figures for 2007.

Explanation of symbols