Wage statistics. Employees in oil and gas extraction, mining

1   Full-time employees in oil and gas extraction and mining1. Average monthly earnings, by sex and occupational group2. 1 October 2002. NOK
Sex and occupational group Employees covered by the survey Monthly earnings Payment for overtime work
Total Basic paid salary Variable additional allowances Bonuses, commission etc.
Oil and gas extraction and mining, total 21 972      40 429 34 239 5 386  804 3 155
Of which            
Senior officials and managers 2 553 62 906 53 635 7 799 1 472 2 053
Professionals 4 275 46 780 42 602 3 021 1 157 2 325
Technicians and associated professionals 3 861 41 106 34 400 5 525 1 181 2 581
Clerks 1 037 28 604 26 248 1 773  582 2 411
Craft workers 2 837 33 648 27 891 5 325  433 3 677
Operators and drivers etc. 5 932 34 116 27 255 6 518  342 4 428
Males, total 18 381 41 297 34 734 5 743  820 3 363
Of which            
Senior officials and managers 2 252 64 021 54 266 8 183 1 572 2 182
Professionals 3 177 49 286 44 651 3 424 1 211 2 558
Technicians and associated professionals 2 964 43 030 35 446 6 298 1 286 2 844
Clerks  529 29 446 26 674 2 358  414 3 471
Craft workers 2 755 33 699 27 946 5 315  438 3 703
Operators and drivers etc. 5 609 34 203 27 439 6 408  355 4 451
Females, total 3 591 35 777 31 587 3 470  720 2 039
Of which            
Senior officials and managers  301 54 140 48 675 4 779  686 1 041
Professionals 1 098 39 310 36 493 1 821  996 1 633
Technicians and associated professionals  897 34 562 30 842 2 894  826 1 687
Clerks  508 27 604 25 743 1 078  782 1 154
Operators and drivers etc.  323 32 438 23 698 8 652 88 3 987
1  NOS Standard Industrial Classification.
2  NOS Standard Classification of Occupations.

Explanation of symbols