Statistics Norway

4 Full-time employees in oil and gas extraction and mining1. Average monthly earnings, by division and occupational group per 1 October 2007. NOK (Corrected 15 January 2008 at 12.30 p.m.)
Division and occupational group Employees covered by the survey Monthly earnings Overtime pay
Total Basic salary Variable additional allowances Bonuses
Oil and gas extraction and mining, total 32 730 50 076 42 543 5 100 2 434 3 079
Oil and gas extraction, total 30 102 52 052 43 876 5 497 2 679 3 011
Of which            
Senior officials and managers 3 327 78 050 67 234 4 795 6 021 1 251
1210 Directors and chief executives  252 92 202 77 010 6 015 9 178  438
Professionals, Technicians and associate professionals 13 029 55 323 48 366 3 612 3 345 2 150
Clerks 1 279 36 973 33 007 2 760 1 206 3 068
Craft workers 2 811 40 943 33 223 6 758  963 4 183
Operators and drivers etc. 8 275 44 067 34 256 8 559 1 252 4 837
Mining, total 2 628 33 631 31 446 1 790  394 3 646
Of which            
Senior officials and managers  206 49 331 48 089  431  812 1 063
Craft workers  685 33 274 31 068 1 966  240 3 897
Operators and drivers etc. 1 274 30 191 27 404 2 389  398 4 913
1  NOS Standard Industrial Classification.

Explanation of symbols