Statistics Norway

Wage statistics. Employees in oil and gas extraction, mining

2 Full-time employees in oil and gas extraction and mining1. Average monthly earnings and basic salary, by division. 1 October 2011-2012. NOK2 and annual percentage change
Division and occupational group Employees covered by the survey Monthly earnings Basic salary Percentage change
2011 2012 2011 2012 2011-2012 2011 2012 2011-2012
Oil and gas extraction and mining, total 46 392 51 189 58 800 60 200 2.4 49 700 51 000 2.6
Of which                
Senior officials and managers 5 259 5 361 90 800 94 900 4.4 77 100 79 900 3.6
Professionals 9 904 12 339 66 500 68 700 3.3 60 300 62 000 2.8
Technicians and associate professionals 9 578 10 392 57 900 59 600 2.9 50 700 52 300 3.2
Clerks 1 492 1 525 42 300 42 900 1.4 38 100 39 500 3.7
Market sales workers and service workers  472  473 50 900 53 100 4.3 39 800 41 000 3.0
Craft workers 6 622 7 900 42 500 42 400 -0.2 34 800 34 600 -0.6
Operators and drivers etc. 11 782 11 888 51 500 52 100 1.2 38 900 39 900 2.6
Oil and gas extraction, total 43 092 47 716 60 600 61 900 2.1 50 800 52 100 2.6
Of which                
Senior officials and managers 5 013 5 087 92 600 96 700 4.4 78 200 81 200 3.8
Professionals 9 823 12 243 66 700 68 800 3.1 60 400 62 000 2.6
Technicians and associate professionals 9 399 10 169 58 100 59 900 3.1 50 800 52 400 3.1
Clerks 1 343 1 362 42 800 43 500 1.6 38 300 39 900 4.2
Market sales workers and service workers  444  442 52 100 54 300 4.2 40 300 41 500 3.0
Craft workers 5 844 7 118 43 200 42 900 -0.7 34 700 34 500 -0.6
Operators and drivers etc. 10 089 10 120 54 900 55 100 0.4 40 200 41 100 2.2
Mining, total 3 300 3 473 39 400 41 200 4.6 37 000 38 300 3.5
Of which                
Senior officials and managers  246  274 61 500 65 600 6.7 59 500 61 700 3.7
Craft workers  778  782 38 100 38 300 0.5 35 600 35 100 -1.4
Operators and drivers etc. 1 693 1 768 35 700 37 000 3.6 32 800 33 800 3.0
1  NOS Standard Industrial Classification.
2  All wage variables are rounded to the nearest NOK 100.

Explanation of symbols