Wage statistics. Employees in private education

1   Full-time employees in private education1. Average monthly earnings, by sex and occupational group2. 1 October 2001. Kroner
Sex and occupational group Employees covered by the survey Monthly earnings Payment for overtime work
Total Basic paid salary Total allowances
Males and females, total 3 977      25 445 25 093 351 334
Of which          
Senior officials and managers 289 34 787 34 517 270 43
Teachers with university degree and professionals 1 509 28 290 27 587 703 178
Teachers, technicians and associated professionals 1 107 24 245 24 076 169 578
Clerks 753 20 049 19 921 128 409
Males, total 2 075 27 384 26 879 505 371
Of which          
Senior officials and managers 226 35 571 35 428 143 46
Teachers with university degree and professionals 892 29 778 28 736 1 041 189
Teachers, technicians and associated professionals 564 24 909 24 689 219 641
Clerks 273 20 494 20 334 160 547
Females, total 1 902 23 108 22 942 166 289
Of which          
Senior officials and managers 63 32 092 31 385 707 29
Teachers with university degree and professionals 617 26 117 25 908 209 162
Teachers, technicians and associated professionals 543 23 312 23 215 98 489
Clerks 480 19 799 19 689 111 332
1  NOS Standard Industrial Classification.
2  NOS Standard Classification of Education.

Explanation of symbols