Wage statistics. Employees in transport and communication

10   Full-time employees in water transport1. Average monthly earnings per 1 Oktober 1999, by industry and occupational group2. Kroner
Industry, occupational group Employees covered by the survey Monthly earnings Payment for overtime work
       Total Basic paid salary Variable additional allowances Bonuses, commission etc.
Water transport, total 4 758 24 635 23 997 358 280 1 485
Senior officials, managers and professionals 454 39 639 38 273 477 889 112
Technicians, ships' engineers, ships' deck officers etc. 1 510 27 449 26 587 581 282 1 881
Clerks, service workers and market sales workers 1 112 20 779 20 420 92 267 1 318
Ships' deck crew and related workers, crane and lifting-truck operators etc. 729 20 858 20 398 385 75 2 217
Other occupations and unspecified 953 19 084 18 770 189 125 1 142
1  NOS Standard Industrial Classification.
2  NOS Standard Classification of Occupations.

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