Wage statistics. Employees in transport and communication

4   Full-time employees in water transport1. Average monthly earnings per 1 October 2001, by occupational group2. Kroner
Occupational group Employees covered by the survey Monthly earnings Payment for overtime work
        Total Basic paid salary Variable additional allowances Bonuses, commission etc.
Water transport, total 8 383 26 972 26 156 669 148 1 084
Of which            
Senior officials, managers and professionals 564 43 291 41 824 537 930 106
Technicians, ships' engineers, ships' deck officers etc. 3 380 30 085 29 102 858 125 1 328
Clerks, market sales workers and service workers 1 458 22 642 22 094 460 88 974
Ships' deck crew and related workers, crane and lifting-truck operators etc. 1 747 22 746 22 124 616 7 1 211
1  NOS Standard Industrial Classification.
2  NOS Standard Classification of Occupations.

Explanation of symbols