1   Full-time employees in transport and communication1. Average monthly earnings, by division per 1 October 2002. Kroner
Division Employees covered by the survey Monthly earnings Payment for overtime work
Total Basic paid salary Variable additional allowances Bonuses, commission etc.
Transport and communication, total 71 299       26 871 25 580  883  408 1 007
Land transport2 317 084 323 224 322 120 3 890 3 214 31 167
Water transport 10 023 29 861 28 799  775  287 1 030
Air transport 8 364 34 653 31 311 3 290 52 1 293
Supporting and auxiliary transport activities and activities of travel agencies 9 059 26 145 25 007  751  388  966
Post and telecommunications 26 769 28 469 27 099  504  866  735
1  NOS Standard Industrial Classification.
2  Excluding transport via pipelines.
3  The figures are corrected 04.07.2003.

Explanation of symbols