Wage statistics. Employees in transport and communication

5   Full-time employees in supporting and auxiliary transport activities, activities of travel agencies1. Average monthly earnings, by group and occupational group2 per 1 Oktober 2002. NOK
Group and occupational group Employees covered by the survey Monthly earnings Payment for overtime work
Total Basic paid salary Variable additional allowances Bonuses, commission etc.
Supporting and auxiliary transport activities, activities of travel agencies, total 9 059     26 145 25 007  751  388  966
Cargo handling, storage and other supporting transport activities 3 856 25 469 23 951 1 436 82 1 368
Of which            
Senior officials and managers  313 38 508 37 733  598  178  494
Professionals, technicians and associate professionals  637 30 906 29 862  856  187 1 487
Clerks, market sales workers and service workers 1 929 23 085 21 715 1 311 59 1 172
Activities of travel agencies and tour operators, tourist assistance activities 1 855 24 660 23 996  144  520  432
Of which            
Senior officials and managers, professionals, technicians and associate professionals  481 30 980 30 033  139  807  247
Clerks 1 107 21 862 21 294  167  401  550
Market sales workers and service workers  234 21 191 20 743 59  389  364
Other transport activities 3 348 27 755 26 757  352  646  836
Of which            
Professionals, technicians and associate professionals 1 033 30 981 29 476  453 1 051  603
Clerks, market sales workers and service workers 1 595 23 951 23 327  274  351 1 018
1  NOS Standard Industrial Classification.
2  NOS Standard Classification of Occupations.

Explanation of symbols