Wage statistics. Employees in transport and communication

7   Full-time employees in transport and communication1. Average monthly earnings, by sex and age group per 1 October 2002. NOK
Sex and age group Employees covered by the survey Monthly earnings Payment for overtime work
Total Basic paid salary Variable additional allowances Bonuses, commission etc.
Males and females, total 71 299    26 871 25 580  883  408 1 007
- 24 years 5 328 19 624 18 914  588  121  862
25 - 29 years 7 973 23 911 22 769  775  367 1 134
30 - 34 years 9 441 26 497 25 234  762  502 1 096
35 - 39 years 10 405 27 945 26 492  936  516  971
40 - 44 years 10 406 28 448 26 925 1 033  490 1 022
45 - 49 years 9 670 28 495 26 998 1 057  440  999
50 - 54 years 8 072 28 128 26 807  994  326 1 055
55 - 59 years 7 073 28 824 27 587  861  376  936
60 years and above 2 931 27 030 26 124  656  250  740
Males, total 50 628 27 670 26 199 1 040  431 1 163
- 24 years 3 384 20 033 19 198  703  132 1 061
25 - 29 years 5 127 24 531 23 258  891  382 1 347
30 - 34 years 6 432 26 906 25 481  896  528 1 325
35 - 39 years 7 314 28 573 26 907 1 110  555 1 143
40 - 44 years 7 448 29 322 27 578 1 221  522 1 165
45 - 49 years 7 153 29 395 27 679 1 251  466 1 123
50 - 54 years 6 026 28 919 27 419 1 156  345 1 193
55 - 59 years 5 415 29 677 28 297 1 001  379 1 035
60 years and above 2 329 27 768 26 778  732  258  801
Females, total 20 671 24 380 23 648  392  340  519
- 24 years 1 944 18 653 18 241  315 96  390
25 - 29 years 2 846 22 479 21 641  506  332  642
30 - 34 years 3 009 25 453 24 601  417  435  509
35 - 39 years 3 091 26 071 25 256  415  400  459
40 - 44 years 2 958 25 591 24 787  418  386  552
45 - 49 years 2 517 25 223 24 522  354  346  548
50 - 54 years 2 046 24 971 24 369  349  254  504
55 - 59 years 1 658 25 268 24 629  277  362  524
60 years and above  602 23 161 22 696  256  209  421
1  NOS Standard Industrial Classification.

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