Wage statistics. Employees in transport and communication

13   Full-time employees in water transport1. Average monthly earnings2, by occupational group3 per 1 Oktober 2001. NOK
Occupational group Employees covered by the survey Monthly earnings Payment for overtime work
Total Basic paid salary Variable additional allowances Bonuses, commission etc.
Water transport, total 8 796     28 062 27 146  684  232 1 397
Of which            
Professionals, technicians and associate professionals 3 736 31 213 30 181  824  208 1 902
Clerks, market sales workers and service workers 1 846 22 454 21 914  436  104  907
Ships' deck crew and related workers, crane and lifting-truck operators etc. 1 935 22 114 21 417  681 16 1 425
1  NOS Standard Industrial Classification.
2  The figures are corrected.
3  NOS Standard Classification of Occupations.

Explanation of symbols