Statistics Norway

Wage statistics. Employees in transport and communication

4 Full-time employees in transport and communication1. Average yearly earnings, by division.2007-2008. NOK and annual percentage change
Division Yearly earnings Percentage change
2007 20082 2007-2008
  NOK Per cent
Transport and communication, total  387 200  409 200 5.7
Land transport  321 800  339 600 5.5
Water transport  431 100  461 600 7.1
Air transport  492 300  521 500 5.9
Supporting and auxiliary transport activities and activities of travel agencies  389 200  409 000 5.1
Post and telecommunications  420 600  444 800 5.8
Post and courier activities  331 100  349 800 5.6
Telecommunications  499 100  522 900 4.8
1  NOS Standard Industrial Classification.
2  Preliminary figures.

Explanation of symbols